FARM regularly publishes papers and articles on public policies, especially agricultural and trade policies, in developing countries. It also commissions studies to research teams.
Trade Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa : Lessons for Malawian Trade Policy (pdf, 630Ko), M. Douillet et K. Pauw, IFPRI, Policy Note 10, January 2012
The new context of agricultural development in the world, B. Bachelier, FARM, June 2008
High and volatile agricultural prices for the next 10 years, May 2008
Agricultural potential of West Africa, R. Blein, B. Soulé, B. Faivre-Dupaigre, B. Yérima, February 2008 - summary
Pluriagri forecasting – prices remain high, December 2007
The World Development Report 2008 of the World Bank has been released, October 2007
Rising prices and biofuels : an opportunity for developing countries ? : account of the meeting, C. Bellora, FARM, September 2007
Commentary : WTO - Falconer’s paper on agriculture negotiations, July 2007
To see more publications, please visit the French page of the website