Organized by : IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)
Knowledge sharing in the development of small-scale irrigation for high value crops in Western Africa : a review of recent and ongoing experiences, 15th -17th of June 2010, Hotel SPLENDID, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
To identify best practices, conditions of success and lessons learnt from small scale irrigation projects in Western Africa, IFAD, FAO, IWMI and the World Bank in collaboration with ARID (West African Association for irrigation and drainage) are undertaking a review of recent and ongoing experiences in the subsector.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the workshop “Knowledge sharing in the development of small-scale irrigation for high value crops in Western Africa” that will take place from June 15th to June 17th 2010 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
The interactive workshop will discuss the preliminary findings of a comparative assessment of small-scale private irrigation subsector in the following countries : Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. This review will build on the September 2009 workshop held in Ouagadougou that established a detailed methodology and field visit program.
The overall objective of the knowledge exchange is to identify, characterize and evaluate best practices in small scale irrigation. Towards this end, the conditions of implementation (organization of the project, type of beneficiaries, and resources used), the types of technology and the economic, legal and institutional environment, which support their adoptions, will be explored.
For more details, please visit