CSAAD, FARM, l’IGPDE and Pluriagri organize the conference"Agricultural prices : middle term outlook and implications for farmers and public policies". Download the detailed programme and et GET THE CONFERENCE ONLINE
The conference is held on 15th and 16th December at the Pierre Mendès France conference centre, Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances / 139, rue de Bercy - 75012 Paris
Since 2006 and right up to these last few months, the prices of many agricultural products have risen sharply, signalling a break with the downward trend in real value which had lasted several decades. The causes of this increase are several and intricately mixed : population and economic growth in the emerging countries, the boom in bio-fuels, the increasing costs of agricultural inputs etc without ignoring the influence of currency fluctuations and moves by speculators.
Recently, however, agricultural prices have fallen, which is especially due to forecasts of improved harvests. However they do remain historically high and are very volatile. A climate of uncertainty is omnipresent in the markets and is amplified by the current financial crisis.
In both Northern and Southern hemispheres this situation has far-reaching and important ramifications for farmers and public policies.
In the European union, discussions are in progress over the future of the common agricultural policy. Beyond some measures which will be adopted as part of the "health check", what direction should the CAP take so that farming within the community can continue to play its part in the world food balance and rise to the other energy, environmental and territorial challenges which our planet faces ?
In developing countries, notably in West Africa, the explosion of agricultural prices has triggered “hunger riots” but raises many questions. How does the rise in world prices influence local markets ? Under what conditions can African producers benefit from this ? How can Countries change from enacting short term measures to longer term national and regional policies ? How can public and private investment stimulate agricultural production and serve as a catalyst for growth and employment ?
CSAAD, FARM, IGPDE and Pluriagri invite you to share in the studies especially commissioned for this conference and to discuss these questions at the symposium with economists, agronomists, farmers and policy decision-makers.
CSAAD : Strategic committee for sustainable agriculture and the farming industry reporting to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
FARM : Foundation for WorldAgriculture and Rural life
IGPDE : Institute of public management and economic development, lifelong learning organisation for the ministries of the economy and finance
Pluriagri : an association founded by French producers of cereals, oilseeds/protein crops and sugar beet and by Crédit Agricole S.A.