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18 December 2007, Pluriagri forecasting – prices remain high

Here are a few points which emerged from the Pluriagri forecast which took place on Tuesday, 18 December in Paris :

- The FAPRI (Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute) predicts that world prices of agricultural raw materials will remain high over the coming years. (

- It emerged in the presentation of the forecast (from now until 2013) carried out by INRA (National Institute of Agronomical Research) that there are many uncertainties in the forecast and that they could have a significant impact on the level of prices. One of the recommendations is therefore to put in place stabilisation systems or mitigate the impact of fluctuations on farmers.

- The representative of the European Commission confirmed the willingness of the Commission not to manage the instability of prices in the EU market by transferring them to the poorest farmers, which is what happens in the case of American measures of the "loan rate" type.

- Dominique Brinbaum, representing the French Ministry of Agriculture, set out the priorities of French actions in the domain of agriculture during the European presidency of France. Among these priorities, is the role of the EU in the global balance of agriculture. It is not about directly subsidising the needs of other countries but favouring local production where markets are growing.

Publié le : 7 avril 2010

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