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Summary of the "REFORM OF THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN BURKINA FASO" report by J. Kaminski

How did a succession of organisational innovations trigger the cotton boom ? Jonathan Kaminski, PhD student in the Jean-Paul Azam Economy Laboratory at Toulouse 1 University, presents a summary of his research on reform in the cotton industry in Burkina Faso.

Full summary document (pdf, 900 ko)

This summary puts the changes into perspective in various parts of the cotton industry in Burkina Faso and how its structure is being remodelled. It provides an opportunity to learn from the experience and understand the reasons behind its success :

Yet, with low prices and the inflation of the CFA franc, the sector is facing new challenges. The institutional innovation has to be followed by a series of technological innovations that increase productivity in the cotton sector and make it possible to regain competitive margins and earn incentivising profits.

Publié le : 15 avril 2008

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