FARM foundation broached the subject of the impact of rising prices and of biofuels on developing countries during an conference organized in partnership with Pluriagri and the French national agronomic research institute (Institut National de la recherche agronomique – INRA) and the German embassy in Paris. Conference title : " Rising prices and biofuels : an opportunity for developing countries ?"
Available documents :
Presentation of M. Müller(pdf, 1,5 Mb)
Account of the conference (pdf, 81 Kb)
Alexander Müller, deputy director-general of the sustainable development department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), dealt with the question of the conflicts generated by the various utilitarian demands affecting agricultural surfaces – these surfaces producing food, feed and fuel – and the consequences of these different demands on the prices of the agricultural raw materials and of food, in particular in developing countries.
Hervé Guyomard, director of research, scientific director of the Society, Economy and Decision department (SED)– INRA discussed the presentation of M. Müller.
A debate with the floor followed.
The conference was conducted by Jean-Christophe Debar, Chief executive of Pluriagri.