Saturday, February 25 – Sunday, March 5, 2006
Porte de Versailles
FARM’s stand was located next to the stand "FAO – Alliés contre la Faim" (Allies Against Hunger), with whom FARM shared a space for discussions.
This was the occasion for FARM to unveil its logo and graphics standard.
Cotton companies and growers’ representatives were invited by DAGRIS and CIRAD – whose stand is devoted to cotton – to a cotton seminar on Monday, February 27.
FARM has launched a working group "Cotton" with the intention of generating policy proposals with a series of two meetings :
2.1. Cotton workshop : "After HongKong, what’s next to be done ?"
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 – a meeting of invited participants was held at the International Agricultural Show. Participants included :
2.2. Cotton luncheon : Tuesday, February 28, 1:00 PM
This event was organised in conjunction with AFD and DAGRIS, and participants included heads of cotton companies and professional organisations as well as French agricultural professionals.
3.1. Seminar organised by FARM and the FAO :
"Can agricultural trade reduce poverty ?"
This event was held at the International Agricultural Show on March 1, 2006 and speakers included Farba Senghor (Senegalese Minister of Agriculture), Jacques Diouf (Director General of the FAO), Ndiobo Diène (Permanent Secretary of the Forum du Dakar Agricole, Director of Research, Forecasting and Statistics for the Senegalese Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Safety), Demba KEBE (Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of Mali),Pierre Jacquet (AFD), Xavier Beulin (SOFIPROTEOL-FNSEA), Bénédicte Hermelin (GRET), and moderator Bernard Bachelier (FARM).
Consult the Report on Proceedings (in French).
3.2 Debates organised with "FAO et Alliés contre la Faim"