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Hong-Kong – 15 : Small farmers speak out

Report on Proceedings

The National Federation of Agricultural Unions (FNSEA, France) and French agricultural professional organisations in conjunction with the AFDI (French Farmers for International Development – celebrating its 30th anniversary this year) organised the event "Hong Kong – 15 : Small farmers speak out". Partners also included FARM and the international forum Dakar Agricole.

The stakes of the upcoming agricultural trade talks conducted by the WTO were at the center of debates at this event, which brought 400 participants from North and South together in Paris.

Participants included agricultural professional organisations from the South (nearly 50) and numerous public decision-makers and private operators from Africa.
The active presence of significant players in agriculture in the South ensured that ensuing discussions – to which foreign partners and the media were particularly attentive – would be balanced, pertinent, and high-quality.

The round tables :

Round table n°1 : "Under what conditions can globalisation benefit developing countries ?"

- Presentation by Michel Petit, Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Montpellier, "Under what conditions can globalisation benefit developing countries ?"

Consult Michel Petit’s presentation in Pdf format

Verbatim debate from round table n°1

- Presentation by Marcos S. Jank, President, Brazilian Institute for International Trade Negociations (ICONE), Professor, School of Economics, University of Sao Paulo (FEA-USP), "G20 and Brazil in the WTO Doha Round : Perspectives for Hong-Kong".

Consult Marcos S. Jank’s presentation in Pdf format

Round table n°2 : "Food sovereignty"

- Presentation by Najib Akesbi, the Hassan II Agronomic and Veterinary Institute, "What is food sovereignty ?"

Consult Najib Akesbi’s presentation in PowerPoint format

- Presentation by Harmon C. Thomas, Chief Commodity Policy and Projections service, Commodities and Trade Division, FAO, Rome, "Food Sovereignty and the WTO"

Consult Harmon C. Thomas’ presentation in PowerPoint format

Verbatim debate from round table n°2

Round Table n°3 : "The European Union and developing nations : partners or competitors ?"

- Presentation by Jean-Christophe Debar, PLURIAGRI, "The impact of developed nations agricultural policies on developing countries"

Consult Jean-Christophe Debar’s presentation in PowerPoint format

- Presentation by Erik Orsenna

Verbatim debate from round table n°3

Publié le : 20 juillet 2006

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