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Chairman of Crédit Agricole S.A. since 2 December 2002.
Chairman of the Regional Bank Des Savoie.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole (FNCA).

Former President of the Savoy Chamber of Agriculture and former Mayor of Yenne, Since March 1992, René Carron has been Yenne District Councillor and member of the Savoy District Council Standing Committee of which he was the Vice-President from 1995 to 1998. Additionally, he was President of the “Albertville 92” Olympic Games Association.

René Carron joined the Crédit Agricole Group in 1981 as Chairman of the Yenne Local Bank. In 1992, he was then appointed Chairman of the Regional Bank de la Savoie which later became — after its merger with the Regional Bank de Haute Savoie — the Regional Bank Des Savoie of which he remains Chairman. In 1995, he joined the FNCA and was its Chairman from July 2000 up until April 2003.

Publié le : 7 juillet 2006

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