La fondation FARM organise un side-event sur l’assurance agricole lors du prochain Comité pour la sécurité alimentaire. N’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre mardi 13 octobre à 8h30, au siège de la FAO, à Rome (Philippines Room, C277).
Enhancing food security through agriculture insurance, a concrete tool for the future of African farmers
Welcome address : Jean-Christophe Debar, Director, FARM Foundation, Chair and moderator
Discussants :
“Agriculture insurance in the context of broader risk management” by Emily Coleman, Project Officer, Weather Risk Management Facility, Policy and Technical Division, IFAD
“ACRE, a market-oriented insurance system in Kenya” by Olga Speckhardt, Head of Global Insurance Solutions, Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture & acting CEO ACRE Africa
“A positive link between agricultural insurance and farm credit” by Gideon Onumah, Researcher on risk management, National Research Institute, University of Greenwich
Agriculture insurance can assist in reducing poverty and making a difference in food security. This tool is projected to be even more important in the future with the rising likelihood of severe climate hazards. Insurance protects farmers from climate-related crop and livestock losses, thereby helping in stabilizing and increasing their income. It makes it easier to obtain credit for investing in their farm, thus boosting yields and increasing the quantities that can be sold on the market. Panelists will highlight the obstacles that stand in the way of the development of agricultural insurance in Africa and suggest solutions to provide all farmers the protection they deserve.