18 décembre 2012
Centre de conférences ministériel
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
27, rue de la Convention, Paris 75015 - France
Programme en français
et en anglais
Présentations des intervenants :
L’assurance agricole dans le monde, diversité des systèmes et enjeux pour l’agriculture et les politiques publiques (Olivier Mahul, Banque mondiale)
L’assurance agricole en Inde : un dispositif ancien et en évolution (Kolli N Rao, AIC)
L’assurance agricole au Sénégal : un système en construction (Pape Amadou Ndiaye, CNAAS)
La situation dans un pays européen : l’assurance récolte multirisques en France (Thierry Langreney, Pacifica)
Le programme Kilimo salama : un partenariat d’entreprises au Kenya (Rose Goslinga, Fondation Syngenta)
Le dispositif Assurance Récolte Sahel : l’exemple du Burkina Faso (Mathieu Dubreuil, PlaNet
Farmers in the North and the South are facing large variations in the yields and prices of agricultural products. Insurance systems have been set up in about a hundred countries to secure farmers’ incomes and provide them with easier access to credit. But these systems are controversial: their costs, effectiveness and impacts are debated. How can agricultural insurance reach more producers and contribute to strengthening food security and poverty reduction? In particular, what should be the role of public intervention? The conference, organized by the Foundation for World Agriculture and Rurality, and by Pluriagri, has explored the challenges and the stakes of insurance systems, drawn the lessons from existing schemes and opened the debate with the different stakeholders: farmers, insurers and reinsurers, experts, NGO’s, governments and international organizations.